
All posts tagged primer

7 deadly sins of make up

Published May 23, 2012 by laurrx

i’ve been watching videos and reading all kinds of blogs and read some tags for the “7 deadly sins of beauty and make up”. it seemed really fun, so i’m gonna give that a bash…

what product do you have a love/hate relationship with?
probably any kind of loose pigment that i own – and that would be very little because of the issues i seem to have with it. i have a few MAC pigments and i always get fall out under my eye and can’t every seem to fix that situation. then i get it all over my carpet… like the time when i didn’t put the lid on properly and never noticed then knocked it over and it went EVERYWHERE. then i get really mad! but i love it because it’s a great colour and it turns out really bright and long-lasting. my solution to these problems is either using a tissue under your eye to catch the fall out or dabbing loose powder under your eye to catch the fall out and then brushing it all away after eyeshadow application.

1. whats the most inexpensive make up product you use?
probably has to be a rimmel lip-liner i bought quickly before my 21st party. it must have cost me like £4 or something and it’s actually really good. i really rely on my lip-liner when i’m wearing one of my MAC pink colours, just so it’s not liable to smudge or anything because i fully hate hate hate smudged lip colour!
2. whats the most expensive make up product you use?
has to be the Estee Lauder double wear foundation i use. it’s quite costly, but it’s the best foundation i’ve ever used. i could wear it on a night out and don’t feel scared that it’s running off when i’m warm or patchy. the only issue i have with it is that i need two shades because of my weird skin!!

whats the most delicious make up product you own?
this might be cheating but this isn’t a make up product this is just a beauty product. it’s my Body Shop strawberry body butter. i could easily eat it, it smells like strawberry munch bunch yogurt and it’s so creamy and makes my skin feel and smell great. if this doesn’t count the next one has to be Georgia from Benefit, the Box O’ Powder. You remember those smelly gel pens you used to get? well…this smells just like the orange one!amazing.

what make up product do you skip due to laziness?
this would be eyeshadow. i can’t ever put just one colour on, it has to be 5-8 colours. especially if i’m using my Urban Decay Naked Palette. and sometimes if i’m just going out for a drive or dinner with my friends, i cannot be bothered with that!

what make up product makes you feel most confident about yourself?
definitely foundation. i hate when my skin is really bad although it could possibly be my own fault for not properly taking care of my skin. so when i have spots and especially in warm weather when my skins pigment just goes all over the place and my skin gets all blotchy, foundation is my best friend for covering the imperfections and evening out my skin tone. and i do feel better about myself.

what trait in the opposite sex attracts you to them most?
this is so random? this isn’t even a make up or beauty related question. nonetheless it’s in the list… probably confidence. i cannot stand having to take the lead or anything. i don’t mean dancing and. i hate boys that you can’t hold a conversation with, they also need have to have good chat…and nice eyes! blue preferably.

what make up product would you most like to receive as a gift?
Make Up Forever Flash Palette!!! i have wanted this forever!!! and it’s far too expensive!

these are my deadly sins.

catch up: i’ve said before, that i’ve been on a make up ban but i’ve ordered new shoes and cute jewellery from River Island and i’ll get them on my blog. River Island have a cute new collection and the jewellery is actually really inexpensive so i was shocked that i’ve gone and spent £21 and managed to buy 5 items! and none of them were sale’s also summer and i’m off to TITP in 43 days (when it’s also my 22nd birthday. note: flash palette…) so i need to get out and buy some festival wear. the weather in Glasgow is gorgeous right now and i am temping in an office – just my luck. so when i get my beautiful pay from this job, i’ll be out shopping!!!!


spring fling – essentials for the season

Published March 28, 2012 by laurrx

the weather in scotland has been gorgeous this week. there was constant blue skies and the sun was out all day, in work i was sunning myself and actually got some colour. not bad for March, i thought!

but finally spring has sprung and the sun had shone, so i thought i’d share some of my favourite spring/summer products…

No7 Beautiful Skin BB Cream Normal/Dry, Medium
so, i only got this like a week ago but i already LOVE it. i think i’ve used it a bit more than i normally would because of the weather.  this BB Cream is SPF 15 and has 5* UVA technology which protects the skin. it’s great for this season and the weather we’ve been having – of which i hope we get more of – with it being really light on the skin. i use this in the day time, and set it with my MAC powder. with this BB Cream i don’t use concealer, well really in this weather i don’t use concealer (only because i’ve yet to come across a good one that will stay!), i only don’t use concealer because the shade of this i have seems to cover up enough with just one layer.

Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion – Original
primer is a great invention in the warm weather, there’s NOTHING worse than extreme panda eyes and smudged eyeshadow when you’re getting your tan on. this is the best primer i’ve ever used and it’s UD’s #1  best selling product and i can fully see why. primer potion makes colours pop and it’d make the colour on your eyes look great in this season. i’m sure i read that pastel colours were in and there’s nothing i dislike more than pastel eyeshadow, but after trying it out using the primer it looks really cute and would look great on holiday or just in the park with your friends, or sitting in a beer garden finding your next spring fling…

NARS Blush – Orgasm
i am just in love with this pinky-peachy-corally coloured blush. this picture does NOT do the colour justice (give the NARS website a visit and check it out). it highlights the cheeks as well with the subtle accents of gold shimmer. it’s a great colour for the time of year, really natural and bright. a big plus for this being a blush and faint highlighter, is that it’s a 2-1 which means the less product packed on your face when it’s warm or humid outside

MAC Lipstick – Girl About Town
the things i love the most about MAC lipsticks are probably…
1. the smell
2. the pigmented colour
3. how moisturising they are.
the strong pigmentation really helps in the weather and maybe fun spring activities, where you’d forget to re-apply so it really stays and you don’t need to worry about it. the lipsticks are so moisturising which is great, especially for people like me who forget to use product to prevent the lips from being burnt. and after the lips are burned they need to be moisturised and this not only helps the burnt lips, looks amazing on…the smell is just a bonus.

Some fun flower hair clips from various shops
i love putting flowers in my hair, at the weekend me and my sisters were rocking about Aberdeen with daffodils stuck in our hair. it always looks so summery and pretty. i need to stack up on them for the summer – TITP and Zante – so i can shove them in my hair for something cute to add to the style.

hope you loved my spring fling blog, what’s your favourite product for the sun and the season?


Fall Favourites

Published November 16, 2011 by laurrx

i just want to share all my fall favourites, i don’t want to have to a monthly favourite blog every month. i change my mind like i change my clothes really. So i just went through my hair and make up products and pulled out what i think i have been using most in this season.

 armani diamonds perfume. i have wearing this non stop. its such a gorgeous smell, and it’s not summery. i always wear florally/sweet smelling perfumes but this one is perfect for fall/winter as its got notes of vanilla in it. i am not a fan of vanilla in the slightest but vanilla candles always remind me of Christmas.

these two i have been using for the same reasons. i honestly feel like since it has gotten colder outside i look paler than ever. i fake tanned to go out for my cousins birthday and it was so rushed, so it was very bad. so i’ll need to pay more attention when tanning next time. i always apply hoola to my face, really lightly if its a normal day or a bit more for going out along with contouring and everything like that. i hate looking pale, i feel like i look really ill and tired. so i need colour and its alot healthier than sunbeds!!!

i am an absolute victim of chapped lips in the winter. never mind vaseline (unless its bedtime and its smeared ALL over your face!) this is amazing. i got it about 4 years ago in spain for about 2euros. its really good and smells of parma violets (you know those sweets that apparently taste like soap…they help heart burn by the way!). i also love carmex and vaseline but this has to trump both.

as well as chapped lips in the winter i get dry hands. the l’occitaine hand cream on the right it amazing. i have never used l’occitaine products until this and i only got this free from a magazine. it really helps my dry hands this season. and of course my hands need to be clean clean clean. i am not a germophobe but before i eat or when i feel like my hands are quite dirty i’ll use this. it’s cute with my star sign on it and everything. i got it from bath and body works from the Florida outlets! i love it.

this is a benefit primer, and i know i always bang on about the Lancome primer i love but this one is really good to put on with your foundation. like literally mixing it in with it. its a kind of pink colour, and it kind of brightens the face up. and during winter it’s always nice to have a little more colour or glow in the season. it also smells like raspberrys or something.

i wanted to change the faves a bit and not just do make up and stuff. i borrowed GG season 4 off my friend, Joanne and started watching it on Friday and finished on Sunday…i clearly had no life that whole weekend there. i also borrowed the Friends boxset from Linda and i have kind of been watching it in the background, as i have seen them all before. but just keeping them on is a nice distraction from what i should be doing like tidying, searching for jobs, applying to uni…etc etc.
speaking of jobs. i left my job. blah blah blah. so i left. that was me telling yous why and me ending the story with “so i left” cos i am so so so so so…. sick of telling the story of why i hate Morrisons.
i will need to have some sort of constructive blog post put together with proper paragraphs and not an absolute riot like they are. i feel so bad for rachel when she is asked to seperate the hangers….
anyway, i hope this was  delight to read…my friends have all discovered my blog this week and find it just hysterical.
“tikka masala and skittles”