Adverts are on.

Published November 10, 2011 by laurrx

i watch things on 4oD so that i don’t have to watch adverts, and i sit and turn Made in Chelsea on there’s adverts!!!!!!

at 4/4 no, yipeeee!!!!

i wish Spencer and Caggie would just get together….

So anyway, hope you’re all well. I’m a big chuffed that my blog has gotten over 200 views. I know it’s not much cause i’ve had it for ages and people must get this amount of views in one day but its made me smile a bit.

i was in ikea today and bought more storage solutions for my new room (which is, must to everyones non-surprise is become a bit messy) as i need to properly organise a few of my drawers and get boxes of things under my bed and such. i have far too much STUFF and not enough clothes… i did buy some new clothes when i got paid though. it’s the adverts again incase you didnt notice!

i borrowed the Friends boxset off Linda tonight and was meant to be watching ALL series 1 this one night until i got on my laptop an everything else seemed a bit more appealing – make up shopping, ebay looking, DVD buying, facebook stalking, youtube watching…etc.

i have LOADS of pics of the kitchen right now. my house has been upside since operation Moving Linda, and i can’t wait for it to be back to normal.

i’ll need to do another “my week in pictures” but to be honest i am so tired and too hungry to be bothered to do it right now. this ones just a wee blog of playing catch up.

I want to go to Australia in January… i really do. I need a change and new outlook on life….AND SOME SUN. it’d be great.

but for now i need some sleep and some ‘Friends’

goodnight, sweet dreams and no alarms…i wish.


ps i have a hospital appointment tomorrow to see whats the deal with these pesky palps and pains…send out good thoughts.

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