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TITP and weekend plans

Published February 23, 2012 by laurrx

this morning, the line up for T in the Park was announced. last years line up was probably the best line up the festival has ever had, unfortunately we were in Florida so i could not have went.

there’s alot of mixed opinions about the line up and i think – and i don’t now if this is coming from somebody who is going – people need to keep their really strong opinions to themselves. i’ve been feeling alot like this lately. not everyone is the same and everyone can’t just think the same. otherwise it’d be a boring world. i have the weirdest tastes…i think i have more common interests with the kids i work with rather than my 21 year old friends.

i love disney and colourful things, glitter and cheesy music, nice weather to play in and snow to play in (none of this rain and overcast rubbish, thanks).

anyway…back to TITP

I am so excited about maybe half of the bands and the whole experience. if it’s not my thing, then it’s not my thing and i won’t go back… i’m happy i will be going though. Me, Linda, our “sister” Christine and our “big bro” Robert are going – family holiday!

Me, Kim and Joanne booked a holiday on Friday – Zante 16th August! 

So mega excited. So i’ve started putting together some money plans and clothes plans and Euro plans for both Zante and TITP.

This weekend is JOANNE’S 21ST BIRTHDAY! and i am super excited. Joanne, Kim, Melo and I are all going for a nice meal in the Read Leaf Restaurant then we have booked a pod in the main bar and more people are coming to party with us! then on Saturday Joannes parents MoJo are throwing a party in the house for her. it’s gonna be such an amazing weekend and i cannot wait to give her her gifts! Spoiled girl!!!

anyway, i have a boiled egg boiling for my lunch!


Festive period is over. Sad face.

Published January 6, 2012 by laurrx

i am a big child, it’s so sad thinking Christmas and New Year are over.

I really enjoyed winter, and i am NOT one for loving winter with the awful, awful weather we have in Scotland. The winds were terrible and it is CONSTANTLY miserable. my friends and family and me definitely made the most of the season and ignored the weather.

i really hope everyone had a great christmas and a fab new year. i hope resolutions were made and presents were given and smiles were smiled and kisses were reciprocated.

i couldn’t feel festive. my mind just wasn’t in a Christmassy state of mind, i was watching loads of Christmas movies and doing Christmas things and still couldn’t. i watched a video for Christmas nails by Kandee Johnson and loved, loved, loved them. i done these and it made me feel that OUNCE of Christmassy…

we also went ice skating at george square. in glasgow george square at christmas is such a big deal.

they have a huge fandango about putting the christmas lights up and the ice rink. we havent been ice skating in george square for 3 years so this was a fun idea and it actually was a good laugh, although it rained. i recommend doing this if visiting Glasgow at Christmas time. it’s a must. george square is very nice at christmas, the lights have been the same for as long as i can remember. but even that wasn’t making me feel fully festive. even after the drinks we got…

we also went to the garage on christmas eve eve. i can’t exactly say alot about the night as i can’t actually remember it. but the garage is actually a pretty decent club. more so on a thursday. we went on the Friday and it was a good night…i think.its always a fun night to get everyone out for birthdays and christmas nights out. i did waste my christmas eve though by being a huge hungover mess.

on Christmas eve my my mum, dad, sister and i always go to movies and have been doing so since i could sit in the movies for more than an hour. (my mum, dad and me tried to list all movies we had been to see. the worst was “The Family Stone” worse ever. Or “Little Fockers” now that movie was a let down). so we went to mcdonalds, where i inhaled my food and debated with myself wether i would keep it down…then to the cinema. Always the showcase in Linwood. We went to see New Years Eve. I absolutely loved it! It’s like Love Actually, Valentines Day and He’s Just Not That Into You (which i am now rummaging about in my cupboard looking for as i wish to watch it). It’s got a number of famous people including Abigail Breslin (who isnt the cute girl from Little Miss Sunshine – currently changing my rummaging to look for this move), Katherine Heigl (making her way to my favourite actress list), Zac Efron (he is buff now! no more sissy Troy Bolton) and Lea Michele (BOOO! least favourite). It was such an amazing movie and definitely pulled a heart string. i wont ruin it for anyone who hasnt seen it, but the story line with Halle Berry’s character was a right tear jerker! the story was so real…i know things that happen in that movie happen all the time. But i have never seen this happen in movies before (or movies i have seen). after the cinema on the way home i suggested we play Monopoly (all of a sudden i have a huge love for monopoly – although my iphone always beats me!). my dad truly beat me…

although at one point he had to give up his bank card to pay his rent! Ha!

so Christmas morning we got up and exchanged all our gifts. here are my favourites.

my main gift from my parents was a promise to buy me a T in The Park ticket. I genuinely need a full blog post to explain and talk about this and maybe share what i have for the weekend and what i’ll be taking with me – i’ll save this for nearer the time.

THE URBAN DECAY NAKED PALETTE. when linda asked me what i wanted for Christmas i had a think about it and chose this baby. it is now my favourite ever make up possession. i will never do my make up without using at least one of these eye shadows! i love the colours, i love the packaging, i love the brush that comes with and i love the fact that it comes with a small primer potion! i am so lucky to have one of these.

I Christmas Day and Boxing Day with family. On Christmas Day we got the Just Dance on (Left and Right Pictures). It was hilarious. Then Boxing Day with my Dad’s side of the family. It was such a laugh, we made lethal cocktails and played chase the ace with the big cards my mum has! i love Christmas for family time. WarmFuzzies!
for new year i had a party. everyone was pretty gone and it was such an amazing night. i have never spent new year with my friends before so it was a special one. i even made two of them cry with a small, very non important speech with was along the lines of  “this year hasn’t been the best, i know we had 21sts and holidays, but there was downs and i’m happy we have each other…” and they started bubbling. Then Melo literally couldn’t stop. “Laura you’ve opened the gates”.
The picture above is not of New Year. It’s us having a pyjama party and eating the party food that was meant to be eaten at New Year, i was just too overwhelmed and drunk to do it then. Aren’t my bright pink pyjamas awesome? they have owls on them!!
the last couple of days before i need to go back to work consist of this. Pyjamas, made in Chelsea and lounging. it has been GREAT! i am such a slob sometimes its awful! although today was pretty productive and tomorrow and saturday will be too.
Today me and a couple of friends went window shopping, and to starbucks and people watched, then went back to Stacy’s house for dinner and a slob sesh. We also made some 2012 plans to be skinny and reem and go on holiday! it’s set to be looking like a fine fine fine year to be honest.
Tomorrow i’m going shopping for a 2012 diary and then lunch with Linda, then later my cousins are coming over for a sleepover party!
Then saturday (siiiiighhhh) me and the girls are going to the panto! i hate the panto, but i think this should be a fun time.
2012 might mean the world will end, so i feel we should make the most of it. i want to make plans and stick to them, make resolutions and stick to them, make decisions and stick to them. and also i want to drive. i dont want to die in the apocalypse with a green provisional!
hugs and kisses
and smiley faces for 2012.

Adverts are on.

Published November 10, 2011 by laurrx

i watch things on 4oD so that i don’t have to watch adverts, and i sit and turn Made in Chelsea on there’s adverts!!!!!!

at 4/4 no, yipeeee!!!!

i wish Spencer and Caggie would just get together….

So anyway, hope you’re all well. I’m a big chuffed that my blog has gotten over 200 views. I know it’s not much cause i’ve had it for ages and people must get this amount of views in one day but its made me smile a bit.

i was in ikea today and bought more storage solutions for my new room (which is, must to everyones non-surprise is become a bit messy) as i need to properly organise a few of my drawers and get boxes of things under my bed and such. i have far too much STUFF and not enough clothes… i did buy some new clothes when i got paid though. it’s the adverts again incase you didnt notice!

i borrowed the Friends boxset off Linda tonight and was meant to be watching ALL series 1 this one night until i got on my laptop an everything else seemed a bit more appealing – make up shopping, ebay looking, DVD buying, facebook stalking, youtube watching…etc.

i have LOADS of pics of the kitchen right now. my house has been upside since operation Moving Linda, and i can’t wait for it to be back to normal.

i’ll need to do another “my week in pictures” but to be honest i am so tired and too hungry to be bothered to do it right now. this ones just a wee blog of playing catch up.

I want to go to Australia in January… i really do. I need a change and new outlook on life….AND SOME SUN. it’d be great.

but for now i need some sleep and some ‘Friends’

goodnight, sweet dreams and no alarms…i wish.


ps i have a hospital appointment tomorrow to see whats the deal with these pesky palps and pains…send out good thoughts.

sick day.

Published October 30, 2011 by laurrx

gadz i am bored.

had to call in sick due to some scary heart palpitations and i am boredy bored bored!! lounging on the couch watching crap sunday tv. may even end up watching x factor again…uk version. yes i am that bored. nobody thrilled me last night i have to say.

i was more thrilled by paranormal activity 1 & 2. scariest. freaking. movies.

my new room will be all finished today! i am so excited, the carpet got put down yesterday and its gorgeous! its definetly not lindas room anymore!

moved over to the big couch and put The Ring on. i used to be completely terrfied of the ring until Scary Movie spoofed it and now i cannot stop laughing. “Cindy the tv’s leaking!” and “woah this bitch is messing up my carpet”. amazing.

cannot wait til they spoof paranormal activity!! cos them i wont be scared.

i am so very gutted, cos me and the girls were meant to be going out for all hallows eve tomorrow and i really am doubting wether i should go or not. but my chesire cat costume would be amazing!! two minds….two minds….

happy halloween and all sorts of heart problems ha!



Published August 15, 2011 by laurrx

Weekends are my favourite. Wether i’m working or not. And this weekend was quite fun! I’m sad it’s Monday tomorrow – although i will get to hear from this job! Hopefully, fingers crossed!!

After a fab chilled out night on Friday night, I was gutted to be going to work. Even though it was just a quick five hour shift, 12-5, it was hellish. I really do hate my work…

In Linda’s car on the way to work we were behind a bus (I hate being behind buses!! Why do they think they own the roads??) and on the back of this bus was this picture…

Now, my thought was “how airbrushed is this chicks face?” but at the same time “How lazy?!” I would not want to take pills so my skin, hair and nails looked perfect, i’d rather just take care of them. Then the “science of beauty” bit – isn’t that just not science?? The science would be remove make up, use a good label skin care, file your nails, use Almond Oil to help them grow, wash your hair enough (but not too much) etc. Knowing about your skin, hair and nails is the science of beauty. Not faking it and taking pills!!

Work was loooooong!! Too long and so boring, for a Saturday. I genuinely though it’d go in quick but NOOO!! So i was glad to be finished! Linda was going into town to visit a friend, so i decided to make Nicholas a nice 3-course meal for dinner. I went and picked up the food i needed then came home to start on the dinner.

This was my little work station

Ready for the mess!!!

And my cheating…
I really, really, really, really love TGIs boneless wings!! I am OBSESSED!!! Completely and I could eat them all day, every day! And I could write a whole blog about them. So i have been researching for months looking for the recipe and it’s like people have deleted them off the internet ’cause it’s clearly some big secret. The Applebees restaurant in Florida had them too, and they were absolutely amazing as well, so i just googled that and something came up. So printed the recipe out and also a recipe for Peanut Butter cookies for Nic. The cookies looked so yum but they were maybe more like rock cakes or something, i swear i thought my teeth were gonna break!!

This meal honestly took me about 2 and a half hours to make, i was starving! So i stole a little inbetweener snack…
Dairylea Dunkers (jumbo sticks), i love these things so much. Yesterday i noticed that the jumbo sticks aren’t so jumbo anymore! Probably they’ve taken all the good/junk stuff out of them! Boo!! The jumbo sticks aren’t as crunchy or big anymore. Boo more!!

The starters were the boneless wings i made and also mushroom alfredo and garlic bread. I soaked some chicken nuggets in the sauce, probably for too long because all the break crumbs were coming right off it!! And i used tabasco sauce so they were so frigging spicy!! But enjoyable nonetheless!  While i was researching the Boneless wings, Nic had picked me up a Hot and Spicy Batter mix which he thought would be alot like the boneless wings so i thought i’d try it out…
AWFUL!! That’s all i have to say. It was a complete nightmare and utter failure!!!

The main meal was chicken stuffed with philadelphia and wrapped in parma ham with potatoe bites and veggies. This is one of my favourite meals to make! I make the potato bites by myself and soak them in oil and salt and pepper and they are so tasty (probably so bad for you but so yum!!). I think i over cooked the chicken, i always do actually because it’s always so dry but practice makes perfect!!

So when i bought the food for dinner, I bought a nice strawberry smelling candle. I attempted to romantic up the table and could not find the candle i bought!! i looked everywhere and i knew i didn’t leave it in work, and i was just defeated thinking i just lost it and maybe didn’t pick a candle up. Soon i found it…
in the fridge?

This is how the table looked, i thought it was very cute. Those flowers he bought me last week, so i thought that was a cute touch.

After dinner we just sat and watched “Red Dragon” with Anthony Hopkins in it. He has been trying to get me  to watch this for EVER now!! And I felt bad because we always watch what i want to watch so we had to watch something of his! I thought i’d end up falling asleep but i actually really enjoyed it and think if you like kind of detectivey/horror/gripping movies you should definetly watch it!!

We had ice cream in bed while we watched 30 Rock (I love 30 Rock! It is hysterical!!) and, as I was taking the ice cream back down to the freezer i slipped on my laptop (my own fault for leaving it on the stairs) and fell down about 3 stairs!! I banged my head on the edge of the stairs, hurt my elbow and ended up with a big bruise on the back of my leg – which still hurts! Linda and Nicholas found it hysterical. I, however was crying, didn’t want to sleep incase i didn’t wake up or i was scared i was concussed or something!!!

Jeez this blog is LOOONG so i’ll cut the day short. Today after Nicholas left for work, Linda and I went to the filling station for lunch – YUM! We got a pizza and cajun chicken pasta! That was very yummy and i recommend it to anyone who wants to find out if it’s nice, or if you haven’t tried it.

Then we had a little shop and i spoiled myself a little!!




I bought myself 3 skirts. I have four nights out in the next few weeks planned and needed outfits and figured i could just wear the same thing for all as it’s all different company!

(please note: this is being published on Monday but it was actually written on sunday!)

Happy Monday…