
All posts tagged bed


Published December 18, 2011 by laurrx

It’s snowing. And im perched at my window blogging from my phone. (Awesome WordPress iPhone app).

It’s 2.40am Friday morning. I cannot sleep. Recently that’s all I’ve found with myself…I’ve not been sleeping til about 4am and getting up at 2pm. I’m so lazy and useless!

I sat for about 15 minutes with the window open and what I heard was so bliss. It was so calm and peaceful. The snow was gorgeous…gorgeous until it hits about 8am when people are up and about, walking to work and bus stops and shops etc. it’s so heavy…


I don’t think this is actually the best picture. I’ll take one tomorrow when it’ll most likely be less gorgeous. And I’ll tweet it My Twitter

I’m working at 3pm tomorrow in New Look, and I bet it’ll be so dead because of the weather.

Today was so lovely I would not have predicted this snow. I did just say to Melo how gorgeous it was and how in 12 hours time I’ll be saying the exact opposite when I leave for work.

I love the snow from inside the house…it makes me feel so cosy.

So…it’s now Sunday 1.53am about 48 hours after I started this post! I am so useless!

I am so excited about this upcoming week!

Tomorrow I’m working my first Sunday in New Look…and I know you might think I’m crazy for being excited but I am looking forward to it (omg I think panted it because when I wrote the letter “I” I didn’t press space quick enough and my iPhone said “capital I” since when did this crack happen?!). After work tomorrow me and the girls are going out for Christmas dinner and to swap Christmas gifts! I’m so excited. Then on Tuesday we are going ice skating at George square! We haven’t done this in about 3 Christmases! So it’ll be so much fun and so Christmassy!!! On Wednesday my work are having the Christmas disco and all the kids love it so it should be such a nice day for them, then working 6.30-11.30 which really sucks! On Friday we are all going out, super Christmas Eve Eve night out, in the Garage!! We are all really looking forward to it!!

I think this week is gonna be mega festive and I am soooo looking forward to it!

I hope all of you have a great week leading up to Christmas!!!


Adverts are on.

Published November 10, 2011 by laurrx

i watch things on 4oD so that i don’t have to watch adverts, and i sit and turn Made in Chelsea on there’s adverts!!!!!!

at 4/4 no, yipeeee!!!!

i wish Spencer and Caggie would just get together….

So anyway, hope you’re all well. I’m a big chuffed that my blog has gotten over 200 views. I know it’s not much cause i’ve had it for ages and people must get this amount of views in one day but its made me smile a bit.

i was in ikea today and bought more storage solutions for my new room (which is, must to everyones non-surprise is become a bit messy) as i need to properly organise a few of my drawers and get boxes of things under my bed and such. i have far too much STUFF and not enough clothes… i did buy some new clothes when i got paid though. it’s the adverts again incase you didnt notice!

i borrowed the Friends boxset off Linda tonight and was meant to be watching ALL series 1 this one night until i got on my laptop an everything else seemed a bit more appealing – make up shopping, ebay looking, DVD buying, facebook stalking, youtube watching…etc.

i have LOADS of pics of the kitchen right now. my house has been upside since operation Moving Linda, and i can’t wait for it to be back to normal.

i’ll need to do another “my week in pictures” but to be honest i am so tired and too hungry to be bothered to do it right now. this ones just a wee blog of playing catch up.

I want to go to Australia in January… i really do. I need a change and new outlook on life….AND SOME SUN. it’d be great.

but for now i need some sleep and some ‘Friends’

goodnight, sweet dreams and no alarms…i wish.


ps i have a hospital appointment tomorrow to see whats the deal with these pesky palps and pains…send out good thoughts.

i love when…

Published November 3, 2011 by laurrx

-im so so so thirsty and i have a drink! and i feel it going down my belly and such! and its so yummy.
– im sleeping in my new big ole double bed! my room is looking fab and i really really like it. my mum and dad are actually the best parents for buying me it all and doing up my room for me
– my mum tells me i can have a “gathering” (yes and not a party) for new years!
– family guy is on… excuse me.

20 mins later…

so my wee heart is still playing up and i really cannot be bother with it anymore. REALLY. its the palps and now the pains and now the hard breathing. i’ll try y hardest to ignore it…

my head hurts so much…but not in the migraine-y way. i had my hair up in a donut today and just took it down and OUCHEEE! has anyone ever tried a donut. they are the most convient things and i always thought they looked so difficult to place but they are so simple and yet look really good. they are amazing in work then you just need your hair right out of your face. i got mine from Primark for £1 and apparently boots sell them for £5ish! which i thinks ridic…

isn’t peter griffin just hurrendously hysterical…heh heh heh.

so, ever so quickly. this week in pictures…

Baby D – my cousins little baby gurrrl Darcy Caroline Murtagh. She shares the same middle name as me so we are buds! and shes just the cutest little thing. Me and my mum looked after her on monday and shes so much fun. shes only 8 months just now but shes so amazing and a little cheeky thing.

so on monday night me and my friends were meant to be going out but because of my little bitchy heart and other circumstances we never so i had them up at mine and told them to get a bit dressed up. so i decided i was gonna be Minnie Mouse and put the ears i got in Hollywood Studios to good use. so i done pretty pink make up and everything and they didnt wear anything. well actually Kim (on the right) and Joanne showed up in hilarious russian hats (as worn there lol) and Kim brought Halloween cupcakes. YUM. we just sat about and caught up and had yummy Old El Paso nachos (best nachos out!).

i went to see my aunts assistant in a show last night – Acorn Antiques – and before we went we went to Jelly Hill in the west end and had nice soup and sandwiches then i had some gorgeous hot choc. look how yummy it is. highlight of my week.

my next blog should be either a ramble or a “fall faves” if i can be bothered choosing them all and taking their pictures and so on.

pictures and dickey hears